• Dark versus light coffee roast.  You don't have to pick a side. We have your brew at Artifex Coffee


    From dark to light roasts and decaf. Explore the Artifex Coffee collection

    Roast Profiles 
  • Drinkware

    Find your favorite vessel for your favorite coffee brew here

    Coffee Drinkware 
  • Brewers

    Find pour overs, French press, moka pot and others coffee brew methods here

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  • Books

    Deepen the knowledge of a coffee enthusiast and book lover with these reads

    Coffee Books 
  • Aesthetics 

    Infuse your home with coffee-themed decor

    Coffee Decor 
  • Essentials

    "Brew-tiful" gifts for the coffee connoisseur

    Coffee Essentials 
1 of 6

Outstanding flavor |Smooth | Mellow body